How Often Should Carpeting Be Cleaned?

Carpeting an entire facility, (large or small) is a huge investment for any business. It only makes sense to treat it accordingly with a regular cleaning program. Many facility managers know the importance of this; however, unfortunately with all good intentions, sometimes it is overlooked and falls between the cracks. When this happens, we are more often than not asked to renew carpets that are visibly soiled. We, of course, are more than willing to help; however, by this time, the dirt and grime has had an opportunity to work itself into the carpet of high-traffic areas and cause significant damage. The best time to schedule a cleaning is before it looks like it really needs it.

To protect your carpet and remove both the visible and hidden dirt from rapidly eroding your carpet, it is recommended to establish preventive maintenance practices by having your carpets cleaned at a minimum of every 6 months to extend the life of your carpeting (possibly more frequently depending on your buildings foot traffic patterns and other variables) and maintain a healthy workplace environment for both your staff and clients.

Cleaning carpets every 6 months not only freshens up the appearance of your carpet, but it also protects the fibers from being crushed and matted. This is an unavoidable consequence of foot traffic, but a professional Kalamazoo carpet cleaning service will restore the fibers back to place, and remove all the dirt and grime that’s been matted down with it.

The other variables that contribute to dulling the appearance of giving it a stale odor, and eroding the fibers of your carpeting are: salt, sand, car exhaust oils, fine dirt and grit from parking lots, and chemicals that are sprayed to treat grass.

In addition, to lengthen the life of your carpeting, be sure to use floor mats/runners near all high-traffic areas, such as, entryways, lobbies, kitchen/break rooms, and bathrooms.

To make sure you are taking the proper precautions, please feel free to reach out to use with any questions you may have, or for a free estimate. We’d be honored to help!

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